Love Unscripted Read online

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  Riley arrived at the coffee shop at ten o’clock. She hadn’t seen Laura Foley yesterday, but she’d only arrived at lunchtime, so they’d probably missed each other. Laura posted a picture almost every day of her cups of coffee or her laptop, so Riley knew she’d run into her eventually.

  Riley took off her scarf, her eyes quickly scanning the room for her, not expecting to see her but there she was, sitting in front of the fireplace, and Riley couldn’t blame her. There’d been a dip in temperature since yesterday. Today was only going to be in the low forties.

  Riley tried not to stare as she made her way towards the counter. Beautiful. That was the first word that came to Riley’s mind. The few pictures she’d posted on social media of herself did not do her justice.

  Riley took her place in line and stole another glance over at Laura Foley’s table. Her chestnut hair fell in loose waves across her shoulder, her fingers flying across the keys on her laptop, her eyebrows furrowed slightly. She was engrossed in whatever she was doing, probably writing her next book, and Riley took the opportunity to let her eyes roam over her. Laura Foley was probably in her early forties, a look of concentration on her face as stared at her laptop.


  Riley ordered a cappuccino and asked the barista what the woman in front of the fireplace was having.

  “A flat white.”

  “I’ll have one of those too. Thanks,” Riley said as she took out her wallet, her eyes resting on Laura again. Her laptop was closed now, and she was leaning back in her chair, talking on the phone.

  Riley lingered at the counter after she’d paid and gotten their coffees, waiting for Laura to finish her phone call. Riley added sugar to her coffee and stirred it around as she checked on Laura again. She’d just hung up.

  Okay. Be cool...

  Riley carefully carried the two mugs over, her messenger bag digging into her shoulder with the weight of the latest version of the script and her laptop inside it.

  “Hi,” Riley said softly. “I’m really sorry to bother you... But are you Laura Foley?”

  Riley held her breath as she waited for the writer’s reaction. Would she tell her that she was but that she was in the middle of working and Riley would have to try and hide her embarrassment?

  “Yes,” she said, looking up at her with mocha brown eyes. “That’s me. Do I know you?”

  “No... I hope I’m not interrupting...”

  “No. Not at all.”

  “I got you a coffee... The barista said you were drinking a flat white so... Here you go,” Riley said, hovering beside Laura’s table, waiting for an invitation to join her. “Sorry,” she added when she got a quizzical look from Laura as she took the coffee from Riley’s hand. “I’m a huge fan. I probably should have opened with that,” Riley finished with a lopsided smile.

  “Thanks. That’s really nice of you... Please, sit down,” she said, motioning to the chair across from her. “I don’t think anyone has ever approached me before, in person I mean. Just online.”

  “Well, I follow you on social media, so I had to do a double-take when I saw you sitting here... I love all your books, but Chasing Time... Wow,” Riley said as she sat down. “I read it when it first came out and it stuck with me for years. I recently reread it... Sorry, I don’t mean to be such a fan girl...”

  “It’s fine... I’m flattered, really,” Laura said with a smile. “Like I said, I’m not used to this so... It’s nice to know someone out there is enjoying my writing. Sometimes, you forget about who you’re writing for... Especially, when you’re halfway through a draft and you don’t know what’s going to happen next. It’s easy to forget that if you push through, it’ll be worth it. Someone might get a few hours of entertainment out of it.”

  “Is it hard coming up with ideas?” Riley asked as she brought her mug to her lips.

  “The ideas? No... It’s trying to get it all to come together and make the characters do and say what you want them to.”

  “They have a mind of their own sometimes?”

  “You would be surprised,” Laura said with a warm laugh as she tucked a lock of her glossy hair behind her ear. “You probably think I’m nuts now.”

  Riley returned her smile. “Not at all. I think anyone who does any sort of creative work gets unnecessarily judged. The line between crazy and genius is a thin one.”

  Two teenagers came up to their table and Riley looked up at them as she sat back in her chair.

  “Riley Hill,” one of them said with a nervous giggle. “Can we get a photo with you?”

  “Sure,” Riley said as she pushed her chair back slightly and stood between the two girls, both of them with their arms around her as the taller one lifted her hand to extend her phone and take a selfie.

  “Thank you!”

  “No problem,” Riley said with a genuine smile. She did appreciate her fans, she just could have done with being left alone right now, when she was just getting to know Laura Foley. Riley was already on her feet so she took that as a sign that maybe she should let Laura get back to what she was doing. There was plenty of time for another meeting like this. She had to pace herself. She was almost afraid she’d blurt out the question: Do you want to see your book be made into a movie?

  Riley reached for her coffee. “Sorry about that. I’ll let you get back to work,” she said as she slung her bag over her shoulder. “It was really nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” Laura said, fixing her gaze on her. “And thanks for the coffee.”

  “No problem,” she said with a smile as she turned to find a free table on the other side of the room, around the corner preferably, so she wouldn’t have to worry about her gaze drifting back towards Laura.

  God, she was beautiful. Stunning, in fact. Those eyes...

  Laura had no idea who she was, unless she did, and maybe she didn’t care. Either way, it was so nice to just have a normal conversation with someone, but Laura must be wondering why those two girls wanted a photo with her.

  Riley knew she’d have no trouble getting up a little earlier tomorrow and spending a few hours here, and maybe, if she was lucky, she’d bump into Laura again.

  Chapter 6

  Laura smiled to herself as she took her left over baked ziti out of the microwave, the steam rising from the bowl, and brought it over to the dining room table along with a glass of wine. She’d had a productive day at the coffee shop which was nothing unusual. She could write at home. She’d made sure she had a place to get work done here, but there was something about being out and about, with other people, and they made the most delicious flat white.

  That wasn’t what had her smiling though. It was the intriguing young woman who’d bought her a coffee and told her how much she’d loved her book. She was used to getting praise online, from bloggers and fans who followed her on social media, but this was different. It also didn’t hurt that she was gorgeous, her Artic blue eyes almost sparkling when she smiled.

  Riley... Riley... What was her last name?

  Laura replayed the scene from earlier, when Riley had posed with those girls.

  Riley Hill. That was it.

  Laura left her fork in the bowl and got up to get her laptop from the couch. She sat down again and continued to eat while she waited for her laptop to boot up. She finished her food as she did a search for Riley Hill, her eyebrows immediately rising when she read all of the accolades she’d already won at the age of twenty-nine. She was one of Hollywood’s hot young stars according to a recent blog post.

  Laura rarely watched movies and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been to a movie theater. She’d always preferred tv series so it didn’t surprise her that she hadn’t recognized Riley earlier. She seemed pretty down to earth though and she’d taken the time to get a photo with those girls.

  What was she doing here? Could she be filming something nearby? She hardly came here for a vacation.

  Laura took a sip of wine and stood up, bringing her bowl into the kitche
n and washing it as she watched two deer grazing in her back yard, another nearby, at the edge of the woods. She loved this time of year, when the leaves were changing, and the temperatures started to drop. The only downside was the shortened days. It was already getting dark at five-thirty.

  Laura topped up her glass of wine and checked her schedule for tomorrow on her phone. She had the morning free and doctor’s appointment at three. She’d get some more done at the coffee shop and come back here for lunch before she went to the doctor’s.

  She was almost halfway through her latest book and she knew she had to get some words down tomorrow to keep up with her deadline. She also wondered whether or not she’d bump into Riley Hill again so she could return the favor and buy her a cup of coffee.

  Chapter 7

  Laura got to the coffee shop a little later than she would have liked but she went for a morning walk and had taken her time getting ready. She’d paid a little more attention to her hair than she normally would, giving her waves a bit more style. Her makeup was still light and natural, but she wore mascara today.

  Laura had to laugh at herself when she stood in front of the mirror in her master bathroom an hour ago. She’d really never put in this much effort to go to her local coffee shop. It was all just a precaution, in case Riley Hill made another appearance, and there she was, sitting at the table beside the one Laura had been sitting at yesterday, and almost every other day she was here.

  Laura couldn’t remember the last time she’d noticed another woman, really noticed her. Laura’s eyes drifted over Riley’s long blond hair that fell a few inches below her shoulders. She was concentrating on what she was reading but Laura remembered her smile from yesterday.

  No wonder she’s a famous actress. She was beautiful. Riley chose that moment to glance up from what she was doing to meet Laura’s eyes. She could feel her cheeks darkening as Riley gave her a smile and a wave from where she was sitting, and Laura had to look away after she’d returned her smile.

  She got in line and ordered herself a flat white, asking the barista for one of whatever the blond beside the fireplace was having. Laura took a deep breath and used a little self-control to keep herself from glancing over at her table again. She paid for their coffees and brought them over to Riley’s table.

  “Hello,” Laura said, meeting her crystal blue eyes again.

  “Hi,” Riley said with a warm smile, flashing her perfect white teeth.

  “I got you a cappuccino.”

  “Thanks. You didn’t have to.”

  Laura smiled as she pulled out the chair across from Riley. “Is it okay if I join you? Just for a few minutes... Then I have to get some work done.”

  “Of course.”

  “Are you a writer as well?” Laura asked as she sat down.

  Riley took a sip of her coffee. “No... Well, I’ve always wanted to be...”

  Laura nodded. “Sorry. I just assumed,” she said, her eyes resting on the stack of papers in front of Riley.

  “I’m getting there,” Riley said with a shy smile. “I’ve been acting for the last few years. I just did all the promo for my latest project and had the premier last month but I’m hoping to take a break from it for a while. I’ve also been saying that for years... So... I don’t know if it’s actually going to happen. I’d love to be writing full time.”

  “Fiction?” Laura asked, meeting her stunning blue eyes, noticing the way her eyebrows furrowed slightly at that question.

  “No... I’m attempting to become a screenwriter.”

  “Oh wow. That’s a lot more interesting than what I do. Plus, you’re already in the acting business. That has to be a bonus.”

  “Yeah, it probably would be if I could get something finished,” Riley admitted with a smile. “I’m a bit rusty so I decided to adapt a book that I loved into a screenplay before I try coming up with something original.”

  “What’s it called?”

  “Chasing Time,” Riley said, her expression neutral.

  Laura blinked. “My book?”

  Riley nodded. “It’s such an amazing story and I think it could be an equally amazing movie.”

  “I don’t think so...”

  Laura sat back in her chair while Riley bent over to take something out of her bag. She reemerged from underneath the table with a binder that she passed to Laura.

  “It’s a work in progress,” Riley said, “But I’d like for you to read it over... And then, maybe, you can let me know what you think... Take it with you,” she added when Laura put up her hand. “There’s no rush. Take as long as you need.”

  “Look, Riley... I’m flattered, really... But I’m not interested.”

  “Please, think about it,” Riley said, holding her gaze.

  Laura sighed, wondering how Riley was managing to weaken her defenses with just her eyes. “Okay. Fine.” What harm was there in taking it? It didn’t mean she had to do anything with it. She might not even read it.

  “Thank you,” Riley said with a smile. She reached for her coffee before pushing back her chair. “I better get going... I hope I didn’t offend you... I’m just a huge fan and I can already see your book as a movie. It’s such a beautiful story, and I know people would love it. Please, just give it a chance.”

  Laura nodded. “I will.” What else could she say? She didn’t want to offend her.

  Riley stood up. “My email and phone number are on the inside of the binder. I’m in town for a few weeks so I might see you again, but feel free to get in touch anytime.”

  “Okay,” Laura said, watching Riley sling her bag over her shoulder and leave.

  A movie...

  The idea made her heart race, but it didn’t take long for the logical part of her brain to kick in. Most film adaptations of books were awful, and she couldn’t do that to hers. That book meant a lot to her. She couldn’t let some Hollywood hot shot producer come in and turn her story into a lump of clay that could be molded, changed, and made into something that bore no resemblance to the original story.

  No way... As much as Laura liked Riley, she’d said it herself. She was an aspiring screenwriter who probably had zero experience. How could she write the adaptation? On top of that, she was more than likely straight.

  Although... She is a fan of my work. Do straight women read lesbian romance? Maybe...

  Even if she did want to make Chasing Time into a movie, she’d want the production team to have several members of the LGBTQ community involved, people who would understand where the characters were coming from.

  Laura stared at the binder in front of her for a few seconds before sliding it into her bag and pulling out her laptop. She’d forget about the script for a few hours and get to work on her own book. Later on, when she got home tonight, she’d pour herself a glass of wine and see what Riley did with her story.

  Chapter 8

  Laura knocked on Amanda’s door and waited a minute, turning to scan the fields for any sign of her but all she saw were five horses. Amanda’s car was there so she was probably in the barn, tending to the horses or getting ready to go out for a ride through the woods.

  Laura left the porch and made her way across the graveled drive towards the barn, the only noises were the occasional neighing from one of the horses or the chirping of birds in the distance. She loved the tranquil atmosphere out here. It was only a few minutes from Laura’s house but there was something special about this place.

  Laura had revised a lot of Chasing Time here, sitting on the porch swing during the warmer months or in front of the fireplace in Amanda’s living room in the winter. Laura was living in Rochester, New York back then. The flight was only a little over an hour long to Philadelphia and Amanda never seemed to grow tired of her turning up on her doorstep, asking if she could stay for a few days.

  “Hey,” Amanda said as she came out of the barn and Laura walked towards her. Amanda pulled her into a hug, her shoulder length red hair brushing up against Laura’s nose during their short embrace. />
  “Hi,” Laura said as they dropped their arms and started walking back towards the house.

  “So, what brings you here? Shouldn’t you be writing?”

  Laura playfully hit her friend on the arm. “I ask myself that question every single day. I don’t need you asking me too,” she said with a laugh as they climbed the steps onto the porch and went inside.

  “Okay, okay,” Amanda said, her hands raised in mock surrender. “Seriously, though. What’s up? How’s the book coming along?”

  “Okay, I guess. A bit slow but it’s getting there…”

  “Should I put on some tea? Or coffee?”

  “Tea would be great.”


  Laura nodded. “Please.”

  “Have a seat in the living room. I’ll bring it out to you.”

  “Thanks,” Laura said as Amanda went into the country styled kitchen. She returned a few minutes later with a pot of tea and two mugs and sat down beside Laura on the faded brown leather sofa.

  “You won’t believe what happened to me today, and yesterday,” Laura said as she poured out the tea.


  “Have you ever heard of Riley Hill?”

  “The actress? Of course.”

  “She was at the coffee shop yesterday and she came over to my table to introduce herself.”

  “What?” Amanda asked, almost choking on her tea. “Why?”

  “Apparently, she’s a fan,” Laura said with a shrug.

  “Of you?”

  “Yes. Is that so hard to believe?”

  “Well, yeah. No offense to you… It’s just you’re, you know… Not the most well-known writer… And she’s a world-famous actress. What’s she doing reading your books?”

  “Famous people read too, you know,” Laura said with a smirk as she gently blew on her cup of tea before taking a sip.

  “That’s not what I meant, and you know it… So, she’s gay?”

  “I don’t know. I suppose straight women might read my stuff…”

  “Uh, I doubt it. Your books get pretty steamy… Maybe she’s pansexual? Bisexual?” Amanda guessed. “Did you get any vibes?”